So, you know how you feel at the beginning of a new year? You are ready and raring to go to clean, organize, get back to your usual schedule, and make new improvements and start new projects? Yes, I am feeling that way big time....yet..... We just can't seem to get there! I just went through six days without a hot water heater....oh, it was awful! Our hot water heater (which is in the attic...why?) broke on Wednesday and due to many circumstances, we weren't able to get it fixed until today....thank god in heaven for hot water!!!! I threw a baby shower on Saturday, in the midst of all of this too....and that meant last week was nothing but crafting and random trips to a friend's house to borrow this, or to hobby lobby or michaels to grab that....and then a last minute, oh, wouldn't this be cute, can we make that happen, etc. Plus all of the cleaning that needed to be done, sans hot water... The kids started back to school last week, but it doesn't feel like it. I still feel like my life is in upheaval. I just want things to get back to normal....ugh! Oh, and did I mention that the kitchen sink decided to start pouring water all over the place underneath the sink on Sunday, right as we were about to walk out the door to church. My poor husband got under there and got completely covered with brown gross water....and then had no shower to get cleaned up (no hot water)...It's just been crazytown here. My goal for today has been simply this....get the house back in order. Get these kids to take some responsibility for themselves and HELP ME... so tomorrow, I can feel normal.
I thought of a few quotes to hang in my house. These are Anna special's, not copied from anywhere.
1. Don't walk past a mess, pick it up and take it with you.
2. If you are arguing, you are being matter who's "fault" it is.
(nobody likes to be called self-ish...right?)
Maybe if I hang those two phrases up in my house so that the kids are constantly looking at it, it will help? maybe? Am I kidding myself?
I also want to hang "My Body is a Temple" on the front of my refrigerator....ha! So that whoever goes to get some junkfood out, will see it and feel guilty. I wonder if that would work too!
Soon I am going to post the tutorial for the crates I made to fit in the bottom of my entryway cubbies. They are super sturdy and great for shoes. Here's hoping I can get that done tonight, so I can show you those tomorrow. Then again....there is also a mountain of laundry calling my name. I'll let you know who wins later!
have a better day than I have!
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